SKINCARE NEWS f/ Simon from The Skincare Obsessive – September 2017

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39 responses to “SKINCARE NEWS f/ Simon from The Skincare Obsessive – September 2017”

  1. Kora Ransom Avatar

    I haven't always had the best results with bb creams either, they tend to break down quickly or get super shiny. But I've recently started using one that I've heard good reviews on from oily people and am really happy with it. It's the Garnier BB cream, oily skin version (they have a dry skin one as well). It only has spf 20 so if I will be outside for long I'll put on spf underneath it. I wear it when I want a more skin like look and it lasts beautifully on my skin, has a light/medium coverage, and at the end of the day I still think my skin looks great. If you want a lighter natural coverage looks occasionally you should definitely give it a try.

  2. Roberta Kay Avatar

    Ooh! Skincare breakup!!

  3. pducay Avatar

    Hello Beauty News Fam! I want to be the proof that Neutrogena Light Therapy works. I have been having breakouts on my jawline, parts of my cheeks and sides of my nose back for 1 year and it was so frustrating. I was so ready to try anything that can at least work even a little bit. This device helped the pimples calm down, and with continued use, it dried them out. I have oily skin, I'm 36 y/o, and heck I even had my 11 y/o daughter try it on her pimples on her forehead and it did the same things for her! With other acne products and skin care that I use (I had some simple routine), I had my acne cleared up and only had breakouts every once in a while. This is just to say that it is safe to use, and it works to some, of not everybody and I do love it! Only downside: you have to buy the activator every after 30 (or 28 not sure now) day use. BUT, there's a hack on YT that I watched on how to fix the activator. And I just don't have to buy the activator anymore. Just sayin. โ˜๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

  4. Chelle Beeby Avatar

    ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œTFS Simon need more! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ Good english, not! LOL

  5. Erin Hunt Avatar

    Omg I love this guys, love Simon in this too ๐Ÿ˜ I never miss an episode and have been watching since the beginning. Well done to you all for making amazing, entertaining content ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. astoryandasong Avatar

    Can this be a regular addition๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†

  7. RedLadyBug 91 Avatar

    What anti aging products would you recommend for sensitive acne prone dry skin? Xx


    I know that the LightStim products do work. I have had acne-prone skin for most of my life. The blue light is a life saver. I use it for 5 minutes on a problem area and the next day it's gone. I happened to find out the red light heals cystic nodules overnight. As for keeping my skin firm, well, I'm in my mid 30s and people often think I'm almost a decade younger than I am. I often use the light stimulators on their own. It's only recently that I've gotten big on kbeauty products. I can't speak for any drugstore light stimulating products but I can for LightStim.

  9. Gabi Cox Avatar

    I used to work at a salon that had a real led light therapy machine, and here's the kicker. In short The red light helps produce collagen. Which means it can help with acne scarring and The blue light kills bacteria, which can help surface breakouts or bacteria that causes breakouts. The light can't penetrate past the surface of the skin. I've used light therapy kind of consistently and found it helped the general appearances of my skin but didn't necessarily solve skin concerns. It's a very surface level treatment, so I find it really ineffective at treating deep cystic or true medical acne issues. Just thought I'd share! Love Simon and skin care news! โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

  10. Mia Avatar

    oh man ! this video is a brilliant idea rofl kat's face and comments PRICELESS LOL like seeing Grinch in a room full of Xmas crazy people lol and Hailey who who tries to get excited but you can see in her eyes she thinks : Burberry blush !!!!! Show me some Burberry LE blushes !!! lol love you guys ! thanks Simon for these nice news & additional info ๐Ÿ˜‰ xxx

  11. Faisal Iqbal Khawaja Avatar

    Can you please a makeup break up with peach blur powder from too faced cosmetic

  12. Fluwia Avatar


  13. Alice's Beauty Madness Avatar

    loved this addition!!! more beauty news yayyy!!
    i use the mario badescu sulfur mask as spot treatment and works SO WELL!!! and yes it when i have to use it on my upper lip.

  14. Lauren Avatar

    On retinol – I took roaccutane/accutane (in case anyone doesn't know, that's basically just a very hardcore version of retinol) to fix my face up, and then transitioned onto a retinol serum after I finished my course of treatment. Even though my body was well used to the isotretinoin hit by that point, I still started low with a cheapo serum I got from TKMaxx and am now using a 1.5% serum. I'm going to shift back down to the cheapo serum over the summer months to protect my skin a bit and then move to the 2% serum from The Ordinary, which I have in storage, in autumn. I experience no peeling and no redness using this gradual method. Retinol is an amazing ingredient but you need to treat it with a bit of respect and build it up over time.

  15. Shaima 'a Avatar

    that kate sommerville pink stuff is like magic. i got a sample of the moisturiser and it made my skin look sooooo good. the price tag stings something painful tho.

  16. pastelsparkles Avatar

    I always love an episode with Simon! Love skincare news x

  17. Jennifer Kelly Avatar

    I freaking LOVE black sambucca! It's the only type of shot I can do ๐Ÿ˜„

  18. Jo W8 Avatar

    Hey guys have you tried the Napoleon Perdis sunscreen? it's a great consistency & finish ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

  19. Elyse Glenn Avatar

    Would love to hear what you think about DMK, Dane Montague King skincare and enzyme treatments

  20. Glam up Nitaa Avatar

    Loved to watch this!! Keep the skin care updates ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ xoxo nitaa

  21. Sophie Hope Avatar

    LOVE skincare news! Thanks guys x

  22. Catherine Mackie Avatar

    I don't use a lot from The Ordinary, but I'm on my 2nd bottle of the Buffet serum and I really like it. I use it in the p.m. and I love that I can use it around my eyes. I also use the Squalene Oil; a great basic at a good price. ย I do think it's funny that even though The Ordinary is a Canadian company and made in Canada, I have to order it from Beautylish in the US! Beautylish includes the info pamphlets as well as little stickers you can use to number the products in your routine, and/or indicate am/pm, vit. c, etc.

  23. Paige T Avatar

    I only see a difference with eye creams if I apply them all the time like multiple times a day

    Also I'm willing to try out the neutrogena mask if some one else pays for it. I have really bad acne and have used professional light therapy treatments before which have worked alright except I'm skeptical they could recreate an at home version

  24. S T Avatar

    I am not so impressed with exfolicate,I preferr Lancer polish method thingy.

  25. Brooke Raffaele Avatar

    I love skincare but my skin is so damn sensitive its hard trying new products because I have a bad reaction almost everytime ๐Ÿ˜ฃ

  26. mimi Avatar

    YES SKINCARE!! ๐Ÿ‘€โœจโœจโœจ Definitely would love to see this as a more regular thing here!

    On light therapy devices: seems like it's getting more popular, around the same time the Neutrogena one came out the Dr Dennis Gross line came out with a visor-like light therapy device for anti aging around the eye area. Super intrigued by that one!!

  27. Elizabeth Muir Avatar

    Simon is such a sweetheart, he seems like he would be a blast to hang with. He has nothing bad to say about anything! โค

    I'll head to his blog in a sec to see more on the ordinary because I've been curious about the brand but I totally would have just used it like I use my 'simple' or neutrogenia products!

  28. Casey W. Avatar

    Nacho cheese doritos?! Fucking queens!

  29. Hailey Guidolin Avatar

    Absolutely loved this. But, it's making me want to buy so much expensive skin care. ๐Ÿ˜‚โค๏ธ

  30. GreenGoddess Avatar

    hey guys, thanks for the video, could you please talk more about Aesop products? We have a store here in San Francisco, but I haven't bought anything yet, is there parsley seed cream (and other products) really worth it? Do you buy anything from that line?

  31. Cheyenne Sandor Avatar

    Love you guys and seeing Simone in the videos. You ladies should try the derma-e scar gel. I don't know if they sell it in Australia. (I live in the U.S.) But it works really well. I used it on scars on my knees that I got after a river tubing incidents

  32. BeantownMrs Avatar

    More skincare news plz!

  33. Elizabeth Caudill Avatar

    My skin have become a nightmare so I did my research and ordered some products from The Ordinary. I'm very nervous, hopefully things go okay.

  34. Belinda W Avatar

    I saw the la mer range for sale in david jones in Melbourne cbd a couple of weeks ago.

  35. MissMagic Avatar

    The Bioderma products sound a lot like La Roche-Posay Cicaplast B5 which I adore, it heals all sorts of booboos and is a great primer if you have spots.

  36. Misha Avatar

    The Sunday Riley mask deffinatly smells but I'm hoping it will dissipate after a few uses.

  37. EoPo Avatar

    I'm so happy to see this video, I am a huge fan of the Beauty News and Updates videos. I'm skincare obsessed. Actually, I'm listening while I do my evening routine ๐Ÿ™‚ I agree The Ordinary needs some research. I know you guys have your group so I hope you don't mind my comment but Im an admin of Deciems Enthusiasts on Facebook (not affiliated with the brand and all skincare chat is allowed) so if you would like some guidance for your review of The Ordinary then drop by ๐Ÿ™‚ I followed some of your advice from your NIOD review and haven't looked back

  38. in the green Avatar

    I'm sceptical about those Neutrogena mask too. I just can't see how it would work. I also don't want to spend $60 on Neutrogena!