Esthetician reacts to Kylie Jenner’s new 2023 simple skincare routine on Vogue Beauty Secrets

Kylie Skin Sugar Lip Scrub:
Kylie Skin Facial Moisturizer:

🦋 The best skin care products I’ve used, categorized by skin type/concern: 🦋

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▷ 3 ACNE Products I Recommend Most Often For Blemish Prone Skin:

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🔴 Although I have over 1000 videos on skincare and acne I realized sometimes it’s still hard for people to remember which acne products I recommend, vs those that I think are a waste of money!

I decided to create this helpful skincare list of breakout and other skin products that are acne-safe, that I personally recommend and put them all in one place! I hope you find this helpful- enjoy!

▷ Check out Skincare + Clearing Acne on Amazon!

▷ My Skincare Shelf & favorite products for different skin types:

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21 responses to “Esthetician reacts to Kylie Jenner’s new 2023 simple skincare routine on Vogue Beauty Secrets”

  1. Amore Bella Avatar

    I am so glad I found your channel. I'm 35 and have had horrible acne for over 20 years 😢. On my chest and back as well. I have huge pores and ice pic acne scarring on my back and my face. About applying makeup the only way I can get my foundation to not look awful is if I use my fingers to apply it. I have tried everything and it looks horrendous. I just make sure my hands are super clean. 🤷.. I love your content! I'm learning so much ! 💓

  2. Gina Avatar

    So, is SuperGoop! sunscreen good? I use it every morning. 7:48

  3. RickMass19 Avatar

    Why her lips look like that

  4. Laracroft8 Avatar

    her skin color looks vibrant and beautfiul how can I achieve that Im pale 🙁

  5. Passive Agressive Avatar

    My pet peeve is that she she never explains the ingredients or the benefits etc. By simply saying ‘hey guys – I’m obsessed with this product dosent cut it’
    And for that reason I suspect that she dosent use her own products

  6. anna uman Avatar

    Unpopular opinion – I actually like her cream for morning. I buy it with 20% promotions when available and for my super dry skin it is perfect base under foundation. No rolling, no nothing

  7. Sandra Lujano Avatar

    Is it me or does Her lips look krazy lol looking like she got punched in the lips lol

  8. Katrina's Unboxing Avatar

    Ok ,I have only found 1sunscreen i like i really wanted to like supergoop unseen Sunscreen but after i use it a few days i always break out and others i have tried i cant get away from white face ,but first aid beauty mineral Sunscreen it actually goes on white but it actually blends in but im almost out and i would like another good option ,whats your suggestion my empress of skincare

  9. Hello Guys Avatar

    She’s a billionaire. Someone believes her. Stop being jealous.

  10. Liisa Bjork Avatar

    Lip botoxed . She's too young for that shit.

  11. Su Avatar

    Hey..stop touching your face.. it is hard ,I know but your skin will thank you.

  12. Cuddle Bunny Avatar

    Kylie jenners smile lines are defo filtered smooth lol, and Kylie is trying to copy hailey beiber with her glazing fluid where she mixes other products, so mixing the moisturiser with foundation is been copied off hailey

  13. Traci Ison Avatar

    She has a filter

  14. Sukriti Bharti Avatar

    I want to catch hold of Cass and tell her the whole Selena/Hailey/Kylie drama!!!! Someone tell her before I lose my mind each time she references it and says she doesn't know the storrrrry!!!

  15. Stephen Lusardi Avatar

    PLEASE. STOP. LISTENING. TO. THIS. WOMAN. I’ve yet to see her approve of ANY SINGLE PRODUCT or individuals routine. Enough with the three syllable words and medical terminology. She will never approve of Kylie’s products or routine because she doesn’t like Kylie. Bottom line, try products for yourself to see if they work for you. Everyone’s skin is different and this “medical esthetician” is NOT the authority on skincare. 🤡🤡🤡

  16. Ithamar Lowe Avatar

    Kylie every time she says "I love you guys"… I have a new product 🤣

  17. AJ Avatar

    Unfortunately, I can't trust much the Kardashians/ Jenners say about beauty bc of previous lies and manipulation. I do have empathy for Kylie and believe she will mature and hopefully become more comfortable in her skin and therefore authentic. Not gonna buy her stuff nor will I be purchasing anything with their name on it. There are just better products out there made my more trusting companies

  18. zlameli Avatar

    The puffy stung-by-bees look in my honest opinion is HORRIFIC.The fact that Kylie is anyone's idol is just sad.

  19. Mari F Avatar

    I literally can’t hear her. I wish someone would tell her to speak tf up

  20. Alejandra Cabrera Avatar

    There´s no way she only use two products, she need to stop lying to the people who buy her products

  21. Juliana Caldas Avatar